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Amit Kumar Ghosh

Amit Kumar Ghosh, a Graduate in Mechanical Engineering passed out from NIT, Jamshedpur, India in 1981. In the same year he joined Tata Steel Limited , India and started his career. He spent about 38 years in in different departments of Tata Steel & its subsidiary company. He was mostly engaged in Total Quality Management (TQM) of the Company and facilitated implementation of different improvement techniques at various departments of Tata Steel to improve the operational performance. He had superannuated from services of Tata Steel with effect from 1st January 2016. He is of the opinion that ‘Total Productive Maintenance’ (TPM) is one of the proven techniques which is being implemented in shop floor for almost all the units of any manufacturing industry. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a very effective tool to improve the performance of shop floor equipment.

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