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Maniyar Imran

MANIYAR IMRAN was born and brought up in the town of Rayadurg, Andhra Pradesh. Presently he resides in his home town with his mother and sister and works as a Mathematics teacher in the same town. He completed his schooling from Crescent convent, holds graduation from SK University and got qualified Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test. He says “I have never been discriminated by anyone, so I wish the same to be with every Indian forever and ready to face everything for this noble cause.” His love for nature, studies, the people and the concern around what is happening around us drive him to pen down his thoughts in the form of his debut novel “My Daughter’s Desire”. He fondly recalls” Behind every successful man, there is a woman, and that woman was his grandmother Fatima,” finally he says’ time taken to take revenge is far better than time taken to love a human being”.

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