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Mita Guhaniyogi

I worked as a PGT Economics in Kendriya Vidyalaya and left the job to grow my two little kids. After some years I joined Atomic Energy Central School as a PRT. Though I taught almost all the subjects in arts faculty in all the classes from class one to twelve. I have a wide area of interest and love my life and this world. Accordingly I contributed to the school. Though I had big health issues, the school authorities tried to explore my qualities. Now I have taken voluntary retirement and working on many projects of my interest. My children are well settled and my husband held a high rank in the Uranium Corporation of India. Now he runs his own consultancy. I had very loving parents whom I miss everytime. So I joined two words of their names and given the name Gyankalp to my book. Even though my life was full of hurdles, I love it because human life is very precious.
My love to all.

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