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S.P. Anvita

The author S. P. Anvita is a budding school-going young poet, passionate about nature. She started writing poems to fill in time at the age of 10 on the back of question papers after finishing her exams. She was pleasantly surprised as she enjoyed reading her own words as an accomplished artist views her finished work. What started as a pastime quickly turned into a hobby and grew into a passion. She draws inspiration from nature and she unconsciously interconnects nature in everything she writes. Her poems flow when she is surrounded by nature. She has developed into a multi-faceted poet, who writes poems on wide-ranging themes. As a poet, one thing that surprises her is how trivial things in life can be portrayed much more beautifully and profoundly in poems. She idolizes Robert Frost, who used the natural rhythms of everyday speech and loves his unique skill of dealing with simple situations in life, creating a lasting impact on the readers. The author loves to use metaphors in her poems.

Her motto is “Write what you feel and your readers will feel it as deeply as you had felt”.

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