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    As a teenager, Sanya Khurana had very low self-esteem and was disgusted at not being ‘fit’ enough for the world. She sought acceptance in this patriarchal world, even at the cost of her passions and ambitions. In 2014, her father gifted her a book by Sheryl Sandberg, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. After reading it, she started a Lean In Circle. As she began leading a circle, she started leading her life, and observed a significant change in her confidence and self-esteem, and was on the path of discovering herself, spreading awareness and making a change in small ways. In this book, Sanya refers to patriarchy as a bug in human minds, which grows with age. She talks about how the Indian media, film industry, rituals and customs strengthen the bug; the effects of ‘Log Kya Kahenge’ Syndrome on gender roles; and how unsafe cities become a psychological barrier for women. The book aims to encourage women in every part of the country to come together and fight gender inequality. Lean In India is an independent organization, affiliated with Lean In. Org, which works closely with Lean In. Org to further its mission, and is licensed by LeanIn. Org to use the ‘Lean In’ name.

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    About the book—-After being successful in the civil services, a person’s world turns around, He becomes the ideal and the undeclared advisor for other aspirants, his social status is now uplifted. But behind the eve of his successful accomplishments, many sleepless nights, wasted days, breaking relationships, are a long story of failed attempts…… A middle class young boy who’s interested in the examination of civil services, a boy of small town, he goes to a big city looking for better career opportunities. He’s studying in a coaching, while struggling with economic problems, being with friends, fighting for his own existence. Also encounters world’s dual attitude, does fun, attends monotonous classes, understands the consumer culture rooted in coaching centres. Despite of being a part of all this he can’t rebel, the love of his life left him broken, sometimes alone facing the worst phase of his career and even after studying for hours, he faces failure in the state of his chaotic mental being, he tackles his depression and……….?????

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    He was seven when he questioned himself, “Who am I?” “What am I doing here?” Being a descendent of a Tantric family, since early childhood, he was introduced to Aghori practices that led him to acquiring unfathomable Siddhis. By the age of 14, his parents started keeping him away from these practices, as he was showing signs of renunciation. Everything was paused till he was 27, and beyond that he started experiencing those Siddhis again, in a strangely different form. He started becoming more clairvoyant. He could see things before they really happened and the starting point was when he was able to predict the time of his father’s death. Following the death of his father, he became more inquisitive and started getting answers, thinking that he was talking to himself, but soon he discovered that it was not him. Instead, he was being guided by someone else, the formless, whom he calls now “Supreme.” The realization not only changed him as a human being, but also changed the way he perceived the world. Now, he is dancing in bliss and bathing in the wisdom of the Divine. Every encounter with Supreme has been unique and has brought to light answers, in the simplest form, even to the most complicated questions of life; such as birth, death, soul, God, reincarnation, universe, karma, desires, heaven, hell and the infinite. And now he is ready to share the wisdom that he has acquired through Encounters With The Supreme.

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    ‘Of Shades and Shine’ is a book about the things the author has found life to be. It’s not always easy and there are much darker days than there is light. It’s a rediscovery of oneself and she hopes each one of us can find parts of ourselves in the little pieces of hope she wrote.

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    Dr K.C. Vijayakumaran Nair is a retired Civil Servant. He has postgraduate degrees in English Language and Literature, Sociology, and History, and a Ph.D. degree in English (American Literature).

    He has authored a volume of short stories titled Back to the Shadows, and a novel Beyond the Human Eye. He has also published a history of the Indian Post Office titled From Mail to Email, which is an authentic story of the Indian Post Office. He writes under the pseudonym Vijay Kumar.

    This book makes an attempt to study the protean dimensions of the character in the plays of Sam Shepard, one of the great American dramatists of the latter half of the twentieth century. His plays, numbering around forty, are populated by a variety of characters like cowboys and criminals, rock-stars and revolutionaries, artists and visionaries, ghost girls and witch doctors, dreamers and fantasists, and heroes and heroines, drawn equally from myth, legend, and history.
    Shepard’s characters differ from the characters of well-made plays. In keeping with the concept of the post-modernist theatre, dramatists like Shepard presented characters that crossed the threshold of the anticipated character.

    This book goes beyond the existing gamut of Shepard studies, and explores an area that has received scant attention. – the changeable disposition of the character in the plays of Shepard.

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    Reading various poems inspired Mehebub Iptear to compose poems, with the aim of making others feel what he does. He hails from Bora, an obscure village in the district of Dinajpur, West Bengal. He started his schooling from Dangram Basic Primary School, Dangram in Dakshin Dinajpur, after which he went on to Dangram I.C. High School. He then obtained his Bachelors in English (Hons.) from Prof. Syed Nurul Hassan College, Farakka, Murshidabad. He is currently working as an English teacher at an English medium school in Bihar.

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    This book is an investigation of the proofs of God’s existence in both science and religion. For centuries now, scientists have been trying to find a science surrounding religion. But in this book, we will find the science that is coded within religion. This book starts with the Great city of Alexandria and then progresses to Italy, finally ending up in Space. On our journey of decoding the science in religion we will encounter many popular legends such as the likes of Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Newton, and then make our final stop at the Modern Einstein—Stephen Hawking. The Scrutiny decodes a number of mathematical equations from religious books as well as ancient civilizations. It starts with man and ends up at the great gods. It answers the most prominent questions of all time—where do we come from? Where are we going? While finding our answers, we get to decode the famous Mona Lisa, The School of Athens and find our answers in the codex of God. During our journey, we will also unmask some famous hoaxes, such as that of the legendary William Shakespeare and the famous legend of Fatima… The Scrutiny concludes with “The Theory of Everything” – A theory that can satisfactorily explain God with the help of both Science and Religion. So buckle up! We are all in for one crazy ride…

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    Reading of a poetry means spending

    some intimate moments with the poet,

    as poetry is the natural outlet

    of the feelings of a poet.

    Poetry is the synthesis

    of the feelings of reality

    and the fantasy of dreams.

    It comes naturally as the

    leaves to a tree. Poetry is

    the spontaneous overflow of

    powerful feelings. It takes

    its origin from the emotion

    which is recollected in tranquility.

    “Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world”

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    Grief stricken by the suicide of his daughter due to breakup, Colonel Bakshi vowed to stop youngsters embracing death over life. Therefore, he opened a shelter for broken hearts—Breakup Dormitory. Where Krish, a hunk, became an emotional wreck, Vaishnavi, a young beautiful girl, had sworn to never love again. Will they love again? Shekhar who always speaks in terms of percentage blames his imperfect heart hundred percent for breakup. Facing a tough predicament Madhav came to appease his mother who adamantly refused to accept his girlfriend Adhya. Will his dilemma end here? Raj and Ahaana’s ego made a dent in their relationship. Will they be able to let go their ego? Colonel’s innovative ideas and strict army routines were meant to toughen them. Lying in their beds with battered heart and battered body, will they be able to come out fully healed?

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    At the point when your fate knocks at your doorstep to serve you (whatever you once wanted) without you attempting for it. This is the tale that reminds us all what it takes to keep believing in true love. Zara had left the knot of her life upon Allah. Her vocation, her passion, her life everything was messed up earlier but the moment she gave up on all the stress and worries, everything falls back in place just as it should be. Regardless of what you want, Allah gives you the best He can. Fate isn’t any different from destiny nor is it from the Almighty. It’s all about faith which drove her fate meet her at the doorstep.
    Diksha Banga, a twenty-year-old girl, is a qualified Jewellery designer and is currently pursuing her degree in English Hons. She always wanted to be a novelist, hence, wrote her first novel The Text I Never Received and here she is with her next book At Fate’s Doorstep.

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    This book is a collection of cute ideas and imaginations expressed at various points of time by our three year old boy Yashiv Aadithya. It is a small effort to encourage his interest on planets and drawing skills So the toddler – talk and art have been compiled together as a small story Hope you enjoyed reading this story along with his art. Thank You!

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    This book has taken into account an in-depth analysis of urbanisation, solid waste accumulation and management as well as household willingness to pay for improved solid waste management in selected towns of a state in the Eastern Himalayas, i.e., Arunachal Pradesh. The volume of municipal solid waste is increasing day by day because of increasing population, urbanisation, developmental activities, and changes in lifestyle, food habits and socio-economic activities etc., although collection efficiency and infrastructure are not growing adequately. Considering the advent of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Policy in India, this book can be an important document for academicians, environmentalists, environmental economists, professionals, social scientists, researchers, policy makers, planners, administrators, civic community and the general public concerned about urban environmental problems.

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    ग्रह शक्ति ज्योतिष संस्थान (पं०) के संस्थापक अध्यक्ष पं० वीरेंद्र शर्मा – बाबाजी (राज ज्योतिषी) का ज्योतिष जगत में आज एक स्थापित नाम है। लगभग 32 वर्ष पूर्व ज्योतिष के क्षेत्र में आपका पदार्पण महज़ एक संयोग ही था और आज उसी संयोग के फलस्वरुप समाज के समक्ष एक विशिष्ट श्रेणी के ज्योतिषकर्मी के रूप में विद्यमान हैं, क्योंकि मानवता के प्रति आप एक ज्योतिषकर्मी होने के साथ-साथ सामाजिक हितचिंतक भी हैं।

    आप नवीन एवं स्पष्टवादी विचारधाराओं के ज्योतिषकर्मी हैं, इसलिए समाज में प्रचलित ज्योतिष संबंधी रुढ़िवादी विचारधाराओं के निराकरण हेतु सदैव उद्यत रहते हैं। ज्योतिष के प्रति भ्रमित सामाजिक विचारधाराओं को भी आप नया दृष्टिकोण देने हेतु प्रयासरत हैं एवं अन्य प्रतिष्ठित ज्योतिषकर्मियों का भी आह्वान करते हैं कि वे भी अपने सद्गुणों का समाज एवं देश के हित में सदुपयोग करें, ताकि मानवता ज्योतिषी वर्ग के प्रति उदासीन न हो और समाज के निर्माण में हम अपनी भागीदारी को सुदृढ़ता प्रदान करें। सबसे अहम बात यह है कि हम सकारात्मक विचारधारा को अपनाएं और आर्थिक लाभ की सोच को गौण विषय वस्तु के रूप में देखें।

    आपने अनेकों चैनलों के माध्यम से भी मानवता को नियमित रूप से सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण दिया और आज भी आपके आध्यात्मिक, सामाजिक और ज्योतिषीय ‘लेख’ समाज में जागरूकता लाने के लिए कई समाचार पत्रों एवं पत्र पत्रिकाओं में छपते रहते हैं – फलतः ज्योतिषी वर्ग में आपको पूर्ण सम्मान की दृष्टि से देखा जाता है। आपकी अनेक ऑडियो-वीडियो सीडी जैसे – मंत्र पुष्पांजली, नवार्ण मंत्र, देवी मंत्र, शनि मंत्र, पीपल महिमा, शनि एवं हनुमान कथा, महालक्ष्मी पूजन आदि आप की आध्यात्मिक मानसिकता का प्रमाण है।

    समय-समय पर ज्योतिष के प्रचार-प्रसार हेतु आपने कई ज्योतिष सम्मेलन भी आयोजित किए हैं और अन्य ज्योतिषीय संस्थाओं द्वारा आयोजित सम्मेलनों में भी आप अपनी उपस्थिति दर्ज कराने से नहीं चूकते जिसके परिणाम स्वरुप अनेक सम्मानों की एक बड़ी सूची आपके नाम है। आप जन कल्याण के लिए वैदिक पद्धति से उपायों को कराने में अधिक विश्वास रखते हैं।

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    This book is indispensable for science students at the +2 (intermediate) level, especially for those who are preparing for entrance examinations of engineering and medical colleges.
    This book highlights important concepts of Organic Chemistry and guides students in solving questions.
    Some of the key features of this book are-
    • Detailed discussions on the fundamental concepts of Organic Chemistry.
    • A wide variety of solved and unsolved problems, including subjective and objective questions
    • This book strictly covers the NCERT syllabi

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    Thoughts in our life has great importance. Without thoughts one can not live a moment. Even our thoughts inspire us to do something in life. Whatever we can do in life, it can be possible only through ideas. There is something like this in our life that we are sometimes depressed, sometimes excited and sometimes even angry. Our life revolves around these thoughts. In this book, you will find poems based on the belief and thoughts which will make you aware of your thoughts. Hope you like this book

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    The book traces the 40 years long journey of the author, Vijay Kishore Dubey, in the Gramophone Company of India (HMV). The book is not a mere representation of events from his life but a picturesque of memories that he garnered during his musical journey. The book is a perfect blend of insights from various film stars and voices that come from behind the curtain. It is life journey of a self-made man. Flip through the pages to read what lay behind the reel life and how it designed his real life.

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    Love is not always rainbows and roses. It has its own share of unpleasant phases and gloomy days. Love comes with lust and conditions; risks and repercussions. This book focuses on the two main seasons that love takes one through: Spring and Autumn.

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    In this book Gunjan takes you on an overwhelming journey of long-lost emotions, perspectives, and ideas to his canny world, where everything is familiar and manifested by many. We are all poems and stories from different perspectives. His engaging and empathetic stories summed up as poems are absurdly relatable.

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    This book is dedicated to my parents Krishan and Krishna, my husband Navneet and the apple of my eye, my daughter Eishna.

    The book, ‘Life’s Myriad Hues’, is a pungent book on the various positive and negative aspects of human life. The romance remains unfulfilled and the characters are quite negative at times, in order to engulf you. The morbid stories are about untimely death and quite hurtful. It is an intense book from an intense writer. Do see the world from the lens of the writer.

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    This is the fictional story of Palamu district of Jharkhand. Indar Pur Lal loves to play cricket since his childhood. His team, Madurai Sixers won the Indian Zenith League in 2020. His cricket life interferes with his personal life. The entry of Merlin in his life and the journey of the cricket World Cup 2023 changes everything. What happens in world cup cricket in 2031? To know answers to all the questions churning in your mind, read the book once.

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    “NUMI The Guarded L p” takes us through the mystic, beautiful and intriguing journey of Nuha, a sensitive young girl. She has already hit the quintessential milestones of life, yet continues to look for the oasis, searching within her soulful realms for vistas unknown. Life is seldom all about the crust. It is an inexplicable amalgamation of memories, insights and the miniature droplets of self-realization we conjure on the way. The transcendence she experiences through her journey flips her back to the revered but concealed moments from lives gone by; she morphs from a jovial youngster to an enlightened soul, having inculcated the art of being in sync with the supreme Creator. Her trysts with the mystical lead her to making soul-stirring revelations. Discover how the protagonist’s life takes a 360 degree turn when she meets someone with whom she had spent 7200 life times? Experience how the experiences of her previous lifetimes imprint and control her present? Will Nuha be able to complete the puzzle of her deep-felt connection with the stranger?

    About the author:- An author of two books—18 Real Life Stories Of Great Valour and Bravery and Vinegar and Honey For Perfect Harmony, and one audio book—Bharat Ke Bahadur Bachche, Nupur epitomizes the modern woman who dons many hats. A playwright who lives to write about the burning issues in modern society, her play ‘In Her Shoes: A Journey Within’ dealing with issues of body shaming was staged in six states and was also part of the Kala Ghoda Art Festival, Mumbai. She is also an award-winning film-maker of three short films that have received accolades at different International and National film festivals. Her paper ‘Face The Face Beneath The Face’ has been published in the International Journal of Indian Psychology. Besides her creative endeavours, Nupur likes to travel and meet people as well. This reflects in her unique writing style. Her deep understanding of the human nature is something that is visible in all her works which make for a very interesting read

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    Somewhere around 6 to 9 out of 10 startups fail. No one is exactly sure how many. And very few of us know exactly why? “Seventy-five percent of startups fail,” as stated by Harvard Business School study in 2012. “Eighty percent startups fail,” as published by Forbes in 2013. According to a 2017 survey conducted by the IBM Institute for Business Value in collaboration with Oxford Economics, “As many as ninety percent of startups in India fail within the first five years.” Which one of these reputed voices is correct? However, I would say, “Forget all of those rates and focus on succeeding.” And to that end, I present Make A Difference With (a little assistance from) Bhan.

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    Vedic Mathematics – the swiftest & easiest ancient Indian mathematics system helps students to excel their mathematical skills, ameliorate speed, efficacy and mental ability, create students interest in maths, do maths with fun, overcome maths phobia

    “Rapid Vedic Mathematics” serves as the most reliable Vedic Mathematics Reference Book where all possible examples included, enough practice examples included and other easy methods included to make maths fun filled.

    Rapid Vedic Mathematics by: CN Patel 360.00 252.00
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    “The book contains all the topics as per the Mumbai University curriculum prescribed for first year engineering to all the engineering branches. The entire syllabus in subject is covered in easy, lucid and simple informative language.”

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    A collection of Hindi Poetry

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    As the name suggests, the pages of the book are pages from the author’s personal diary. Verses, blogs and quotes – an interesting mix of contents to read. A simple book that will resonate with all who read it. A book that will make you love life! A book that conveys that, “Everybody has a song! You just need to find it and enjoy singing it”.

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    This is not a book; it’s a collection of notes written for basic general knowledge of ophthalmic assistants. These notes are written in a mix of Hindi and English, making it easy for students to understand. It also has questions, answered according to the MPMSU syllabus. There are four solved papers from the 2018 internal examination, along with practical instrument, dark room, and viva questions with answers.

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    Hindi Kavyang Vivechan’ in the form of Hindi Kavya Shastra Subject is famous and very useful for college, University syllabus like UPSC/RPSC/NET/JRF,Lecturer, senior teacher and other Hindi based competitive examinations

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    Public speaking can be termed as a life skill or a differentiating skill. Unfortunately, Public speaking is one of the topmost fears in the world. Shikha Nag as a founder and director of Indian Academy of Public Speaking has helped thousands of students to overcome this fear and excel in the art of Public Speaking. Her students’ transformational Journey encouraged her to write this book and reach out to people she can’t physically. This book gives 3D approach from how to prepare your speech to the final delivery of your speech. The Highlights- 3D Approach, Inspiring stories, Memorizing tips, Practice Sheets, Tried and tested tips and tricks. For all students, job seekers, managers, and anybody who wants to embrace this art of public speaking, this book provides easy and step by step approach to off their shyness and fear of public speaking. “Public Speaking is an incredible power to any individual to turn dreams into reality”

    Tear the Fear by: Shikha Nag 150.00
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    This book is a collection of thirty poems that delve into the emotions and reality of society. The poems mostly stem from personal experiences and observations.

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