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    ‘समझौता‘ एक दास की असल ज़िन्दगी पर निर्धारित कहानी है जो अकेला ही गरीबी के खिलाफ आज तक लड़ रहा है और उसने अपने जीवन का हर क्षण इस पल को जीतने में लगा रखा है।

    सच्चाई तो यह है कि जब कभी हमारी ज़िन्दगी हमें एक ऐसे चौराहे पर लाकर रोक देती है कि हमें यह भी नहीं पता चलता कि किस तरफ जाना चाहिए तो फिर हमारे पास एक ही रास्ता बचता है कि उसी ज़िन्दगी को दोबारा से शुरु करें और वह भी अपनी पिछली सारी असफलताओं और बुरे से बुरे समय को भुलाकर। ये ही एक मात्र ऐसी चुनौती है जो हम सब को जीना सिखाती है।

    ‘‘कामयाबी कभी भी संपूर्ण नहीं होती, नाकामयाबी कभी घातक नहीं होती। ये तो आपकी साहस ही हैं जो असंभव को संभव बनाती हैं।‘‘

    Samjhauta by: Ashish Kashyap 100.00
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    It is a research book based on chess and chess problems focusing on four-promotion theme.

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    Jazbaat is a poetic version of experiences of journey of life

    Jazbaat by: Rajeev Marda 90.00
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    अंधेरे से दोस्ती की,
    तन्हाई ने साथ दिया,
    तुम ढूँढते रहो .ख़ुदा बाहर,
    मैंने अपने अन्दर ही .ख़ुदा ढूँढ लिया।”

    मैं आपके बीच का ही एक नवयुवक हूँ जो हर मनुष्य की तरह भौतिक सुख की लालसा रखता है। सुख और सफलता हमारा जन्म सिद्ध अधिकार है। आज जहाँ पूरी दुनिया आध्यात्मिक सुख ढूँढने में लगी है, मैं पहले भौतिक सुख प्राप्त करने की पैरवी करता हूँ। मैं यह बात प्रखरता से मानता हूँ कि भौतिक सुख के बिना आध्यात्मिक सुख की बात वैसी ही होगी जैसे आप किसी भूखे व्यक्ति को भोजन न देकर, ज्ञान देने लग जायें। यह बिल्कुल भी व्यावहारिक नहीं है।
    भौतिक सुख और आध्यात्मिक सुख, आपके भीतर विद्यमान परमात्मा या .ख़ुदा आप जो भी नाम दें, को जाने बिना नहीं मिल सकता और परमात्मा या .ख़ुदा को आप तब तक नहीं जान सकते जब तक आप अपने मन की नहीं सुनते और आप अपने मन की तब तक नहीं सुन सकते जब तक आप पूरी तरह से जाग न गये हों और आप तब तक नहीं जाग सकते जब तक की कोई जगाने वाला न हो या आप .ख़ुद अपने आप न जाग जायें और आप जागे हुये तब माने जायेंगे जब आपके जीवन से सारे द्वन्द समाप्त हो जायें।
    बस, मेरी कविताओं का मकसद आपको जगाना और द्वन्द मिटाना है।

    सूखी लकड़ियाँ .ख़ुद ब .ख़ुद जल जायें तो बहुतखूब,
    वरना आग लगाना मुझे आता है,
    सदियों से पड़ा हो भले ही अंधकार,
    मुझे दिया जलाना आता है।”

    Mera Shatak by: Kumar Rishi 129.00
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    ‘‘सचित्र योग संस्कृति‘‘ डॉ० कुलदीप सुमनाक्षर द्वारा लिखी गयी पुस्तक है। यह श्रेण्य पुस्तक योग के लिए एक विलक्षण प्रस्तावना पुस्तक है, जिसमें योग के 108 आसनों तथा योग को विस्तार पूर्वक समझाया गया है। आसनों का विस्तृत वर्णन दो सौ बीस चित्रों के माध्यम से प्रस्तुत किया गया है। इस पुस्तक के प्रमुख आकर्षण हैं-
    ऽ योग व योगाभ्यास का सम्पूर्ण परिचय
    ऽ दो सौ बीस चित्रों के माध्यम से 107 आसनों का विस्तृत वर्णन
    ऽ पुस्तक में दिए गये सभी आसनों को लेखक द्वारा स्वयं किया गया।
    ऽ अभिनव साधक के लिए एक वर्षीय योगाभ्यास कार्यक्रम है।

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    Book relates about the usual situation of a middle class family even all the middle class family find a glace look like they live together the life which go through hard times and struggles.

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    “Impossible is only an issue of the mind.” In life, nothing is impossible to achieve when you have enthusiasm, optimism, confidence, and commitment. The human mind is a magical labyrinth. It is a mystical universe within you, where everything eventually materializes. Encourage yourself and do it bit by bit. It may appear tough, but every single bite of it every day is an endorsement that all will be chopped off sooner. Your consciousness creates pure potentiality where nothing is impossible. This book is like a day dream which will inspire you to do the impossible things. All our discoveries, inventions, or creations are nothing but rediscovering existing knowledge. Our sheer determination can move mountains. If you can dream big, believe in achieving the impossible, and think of ways to convert that dream into reality. The sky is your limit. Determination, dedication, and perseverance will show you the way. By reading this jewel you will be utterly captivated by terrible beauty this book possesses.

    Nothing is Impossible by: 222.00
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    Leadership cannot be defined by time, age or era; it has and will always be there. It is also true that a great future can be shaped by following lessons from the past. A leader is one who leads the mob and inspires it to get work done, leaving a lasting impression on the followers. In that sense, Rama was a great leader who inspired Vanaras to fight the invincible Asuras. He developed a talented team of individuals, used them efficiently and led them himself whenever required. The Vanaras building a bridge of stones over a river is the perfect example of inspiring leadership. His Ramrajya is the benchmark of good leadership and rule. This book hence provides an insight into Lord Rama’s great leadership qualities, which remain ideal even after 5000 years. This book is excellent food for thought and a vision of corporate leadership. It offers a holistic long-term approach and solutions to various complexities relating to modern management practices.

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    मैं भारतीय सेना में कार्यरत एक सैनिक हूँ, बचपन से डायरी लिखता था तो लिखने की एक आदत सी हो गयी, ऐसी आदत कि एक दिन भी अगर न लिखूं तो कुछ अधूरा सा लगता है। साधारण सी कहानियां लिखते-लिखते दिल में आया कि कुछ अलग करूं, कुछ जो सामान्य न हो, अतः बरमुडा त्रिकोण के मुद्दे को चुना, बरमुडा ट्राइएंगल…. इस दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी अनसुलझी गुत्थी, इस किताब में इस गुत्थी को सुलझा दिया गया है। यह बरमुडा त्रिकोण के बारे में फैले झूठ के जंजालों को आपके दिमाग से कचरे की तरह निकाल फेकेंगी, अगर आप मुझ पर विश्वास करते हैं तो, अगर आप एक सैनिक पर भरोसा करते हैं तो.. आइए इस सफर पर चलते हैं जहां आज तक कोई नही गया।

    Trikon by: Ankit S. Kumar 200.00
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    What to do when someone, whom you have hated for half of your life, falls head over heels in love with you?
    Ashlesha Nayak had to live far from her family and friends due to her job. Life was not easy at first but when she started making friends, everything began to become normal until Vishal Bagchi, a tall and handsome guy got transferred to her office and back in her life. Vishal started to fall in love with her unaware that Ashlesha had some other plans for her.

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    A teenage girl. A throbbing heart. A tired soul. Anxiety issues. And, a really tiny mystery. “The universe felt potent and void at the same time.” Sixteen-years-old Sarah’s life was never really simple. Just as she was about to give up hopes, she found a letter. From that day began a mystery. A mystery she never thought would change her life.

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    Blaming My Hormones is fiction about the life of four girls who are suffering from a lifestyle syndrome that is also known as hormonal imbalance. The story revolves around their struggles and the consequences.
    When everything seems fine, a new challenge occurs with bigger difficulties and chaos. In search of permanent relief, they stuck themselves into adverse circumstances.

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    This book is a collection of poems expressing different aspects and colors of life.

    Satrangi by: Vasundhara Singh 100.00
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    The book talks about a doctor, who despite growing up in America, is more fond of her Indian culture.

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    “My Love You look hot when you run!” When she read the letter written with blood, she gasped in horror. The protagonist Natasha, was a content editor by profession and was living a peaceful life in the suburbs. However, an unsolicited event made her a nyctophobic— someone suffering from post-traumatic stress. And while recovering from her trauma, she started receiving creepy letters from a stalker turning her into an ‘avenging angel’ mode. Nevertheless, her life again changed completely when she met Siddharth in a hospital. He was a fun loving and a handsome hunk whose life was a perfect mess around alcohol, drugs, and one-night stands. But after meeting Natasha, he developed captivating interest for her. Will Siddharth be able to catch up or will it rip them apart? Will Sid be able to convince Natasha that he’s the one for her? Will he support her to find the culprit? “Hello, Don’t put the book down just yet, Pick it. You are welcom to my world.” -The Anonymous

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    Every scripture or religion you read or follow has stated the importance of giving. In chapter 3, verse 12 of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says celestial controllers, being nourished and pleased by selfless service, will give you all desired objects. According to the Gita, there is a twofold path of spiritual discipline—the path of self-knowledge and the path of unselfish work for others. The Bhagavad Gita clearly says that you have to give back.
    In Christianity, in its teaching piece from Jesus in the New Testament, Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” Or take the example of Saint Francis of Assisi, his prayer, Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace, where he says, “To be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love and for it is in giving that we receive.”
    Or you look at Islam; Muslims are mandated to give some part of their wealth, which is the concept of sadaqah or saddka. This concept is giving back out of compassion, love, friendship, and generosity with all truth. All religions highlight the importance of giving. A benefactor is a representative of God.
    Each one has its own way. The important thing is giving. The giver, despite having the wealth, thinks that he is not the owner of the wealth, but the trustee of the wealth. This is the highest form of giving.

    Giving is Living by: 200.00
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    The book is a collection of poems and is a must buy for poetry lovers this season!

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    The short stories in the book stir the emotions of the children. The elders, in turn, are moved by the expressions on the faces of the children while reading/listening to the stories.
    An attempt has been made in the book to show that much can be learned from the actions of humans, animals, and birds.

    Gud Gudi by: Prabha Pareek 165.00
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    “Astonished! Completely blown away. Such a breathtaking moment it was. I felt like I was in the world of dreams. All of a sudden, I fell from my bicycle. My mind stopped working for a while. My eyes stopped blinking. My expression got changed from smiley to shocking”. This was the moment when my life started opening its doors.

    “Suddenly, the pain in my body increased exponentially. My head was spinning in pain. I was losing all my senses. I realised that I was going to die in a few seconds. My mom was tightening her hug with a lot of love. My dad held my legs not letting me go from this world. The doctor inside the ambulance was praying to god in helplessness. I imagined three important emotions in my life, the care and affection of the world’s best mother; the emotion of the world’s best father; and the love of the world’s best soul, Ria. The pain reached the breaking point, and the breathing stopped completely.” This was the moment when my life started closing its doors.

    In between the journey of life, you will go through every emotion of life. You will feel, smile, get connected, and become emotional. This is the celebration of life, living and love. The story of Jai-Ria is as beautiful as your loved ones. You will see your thoughts becoming beautiful after reading this book. Its worth purchasing this book. Don’t miss an opportunity to read it.

    Jai-Ria by: Shahane Udaykumar 249.00 199.00
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    To get insight, pre-order your copy today!

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    Management by Trust – Path of Success is based on actual achievements and real life experiences of a Manager who will only be referred to as Manager M, to keep his identity and places of work confidential. During his expansive career in upper management, he was instrumental in turning around many companies from a brink of bankruptcy or shut down. He had personified many attributes of a successful manager, such as hard work, discipline, dedication, ’out of the box’ thinking, entrepreneurship, time management and led by example. He, however, believes that the foundation of his success was in motivating the employees under him and having complete trust in them. This book will follow his career with each chapter discussing the different challenges he encountered, lessons he picked up on, highlighting the practices that helped him come out successfully.

    This book is a humble attempt at sharing the pearls about Management that Manager M learned and practiced, in his expansive career, leading him to be known as the ‘Turn Around Manager’ in the industry. It is written, filled with anecdotes, lest the book becomes another dry instructional book on management. Hopefully, the book will inspire and nurture young managers in the journey of their chosen profession.

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    “When it is time to claim insurance, most people find they have to cringe before the insurer who on most occasions adopts delaying tactics and looks for other ways and means to reject a claim rather than settle it. If the claimant gets an insurance settlement, it would be after a lot of hemming and hawing on the part of the more powerful insurance company. Protection of the interests of policyholders is one of the topmost priorities of the IRDAI. It issues regular advisories to educate consumers about their rights and to protect them against fraudulent practices.

    This book serves as a guide to pursue claims for appropriate settlement. It also highlights the grievance redressal mechanism for the insurance industry. In short, this book offers solutions to various complex claim proceedings and related technical problems. It offers a holistic, long-term approach to the perception of claims management.”

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    The book is a collection of poems and is a must buy for poetry lovers this season!

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    The commitment which is more of a habit of a person is beautifully scripted by Mr. Devgon in his book. History had been a witness that, only this habit of commitment has helped any individual to accomplish all his dreams.

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    Habituated to the fast moving society that we are in, this book will take you to a time when things were insanely romantic and slow! A journey from how casual things are in the beginning. to how we lose ourselves to someone… Moving on is like a new trend these days. However, memories can never fully leave us. This poetic representation of emotions is strong, bold and relatable to each one of us. A journey that we all have gone through, but left untold.

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    The book is a collection of poems.

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    The book is a collection of poems.

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    Renditions Of A Shattered Soul is a melting pot of his dreams, determination, romances, hopes, aspirations, likes and dislikes. As the title suggests, deep down his soul, there is a paucity of peace and that compels him to see the world around with a sensitive mind and he discovers that poetry is the best medium to deal with his innermost feelings.

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    The book is a collection of poems based on poetess’ emotions and thoughts that she experienced throughout her life.

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