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    Tradition and modernity have by and large been at logerheads with each other. Most
    familiial and psychological issues seemingly arise from misconstrued notions of both, and
    lead to a lot of truoubles which could otherwise be avoided with ease. Arun Joshi makes a
    master stroke when it comes to expressing the turmoil and chaos that the world sees due to
    such a conflict. This book is a wonderful exposition of how Surinder and Som Bhaskar of The
    Foreigner and The Last Labyrinth strive to overcome the turmoil experienced by their
    conflict torn psyche and arrive at peace with themselves.

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    VASANTRAO NAIK: A Pioneer In Politics And The Father Of Agro-Industrial Revolution” Volume-One is written and edited by the author, Dr. Dinesh Sewa Rathod to review the family, social and political inception of the former Chief Minister of Maharashtra State & MP, Hon.Vasantrao Phulsing Naik alias Hajusing Naik. As a nation builder, he is one of the truly enigmatic personalities on the contemporary Indian political canvas. Through democratic decentralization, the empowerment of roots of grassroots democracy, various political principles, socialism and political processes, he shaped the creation of the new Maharashtra state during his political tenure.

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    This book will get attached to all generations and will work as a booster to all.

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    Love, ache and more. Just three words to describe me and my book in totality.. I guess, this book is a small testimony of my cumulative experiences over the span of years.. Call it, a journey of emotions
    or an investment of emotions. This book takes you on an incredible journey. I have a rainbow of
    emotions splashed across the page. This book is verily me. A small projection through words and
    verses hoping to captivate the readers eye. I am immensely happy to present to you a collection of
    my poetry woven with all love and devotion. I am immensely pleased that this book comes out as a
    publication of Blue Rose. Looking forward for many more blue roses in the banquet of my poetry.

    Flowing Winds by: Parveen Kazi 135.00
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    It’s a love story of a teenager from rural Bengal. First love is cricket and the second…….. Suddenly he finds the address of a colorful dream by the touch of destiny – ‘The dream of becoming a famous cricketer‛. So the journey started to ‘catch the dream’. But destiny wants something else. It’s the
    beginning of the struggle – A long struggle till twenty years. It’s life. The places of the story are real but the names and events are fictional, brought up from the real world. It’s a canvas of joy, tears, and dreams of crossing the path to get or not to get.

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    Bhumi Ghia; was born in 2001 and grew up in Hyderabad, she is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s in Architecture. Apart from being an aspiring architect, she possesses a keen interest in writing, dancing, playing the guitar and even hopes to make strides in entrepreneurship.
    Since her childhood, she was often found solace in the warm embrace of her own whimsical fantasies. This led her into writing short poems and stories. What started out as a hobby became her passion and now, she is set to debut with her book, “Never Stopped Loving You.

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    History of India is a fascinating epic of a great civilization. To know how the existence of humans begins and how it has come to its present condition is one of the oldest and most universal of the human needs. This book is an attempt to enlighten the different phases of Indian History to all the readers, right from the children to the elder ones. The phases have been explained in simple language and ornamented with precise illustrations which will have a visionary impact on the readers. The initial phase begins with prehistoric cultures of India and then explains the further prominent events like Indus Valley Civilization, the Vedas, teachings of Buddha and Mahavir, different dynasties, Mughal rule, foreign invaders and the British rule. Not only children but this book is for everyone who wanted to get acquainted and understand Indian History.

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    Four cousins are stuck with each other during the pandemic. Amidst all the chaos, they stumble upon a mysterious red- leathered old book and are determined to find out how it landed up in Ruhi’s playroom. Shocking secrets are revealed as they dig deeper…

    This is a story about four Indian kids whose life will change permanently once they find out secrets about The Book.

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    The book ‘Insights of the Western Missionaries’Legacy in Manipur: Especial reference to Moyon of South East Manipur’ is an exposition of the historical, social account and missiological approach carried out by Western Missionaries and others. It also deals how Christianity begins and explores the church history in Manipur, and native leaders initiative in church planting.

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    This book “The basics of Supply chain management” can provide the first step in understanding the world of the supply chain. Supply chain concepts are explained from the basic with widespread coverage of the methodology and key strategies drivers in various processes involved in designing and implementation of supply chain. The book can be a game changer for new entrants in the field of supply chain.

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    The book has been inspired by incidents which happened during the pandemic.
    These are real stories of real people, some based on the writers observation of the life around, and some are gleaned from the social media.

    The book consists of five short stories.
    The writer has also mentioned the source of stories in the foot notes

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    Cricket is a game of uncertainty wherein anything can happen.The book provides in insight into the international game of Cricket and its different dimensions visualized in the perspective of all the formats.It religiously weighs the HOW, WHEN, WHAT and WHYs of the most illustrious and uncertain game of cricket.

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    DIABETES LOG BOOK Is a concise form of documenting your daily routine of diabetes which includes monitoring and documenting your blood sugars levels at regular intervals , it also helps in having a thorough count of your carbohydrate intake levels, altogether helping you in better control of your diabetes to attain a healthy diabetes life.

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    “Vadh” is story of a fall of a family, spread across three generations that explores various aspects of society and human relationship such as superstitions, love, hate , friendship, loyalty and revenge.

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    The book talks about the ups and downs in a woman’s life and how she handles them. She manages to live a decent life on her own strengths

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    There is no narrator in the Password novel. It is a journey from outside to inside and from inside to outside She is with him in this journey. But in being with you, a big world opens up. The landscape of a larger society stands out. This is a love story. But the characters of love are located in two different corners. There is no ideological emotional equilibrium in them. But even then there is love in which there is no expectation.

    This novel has been written in an email and message. This is a different experiment. At the level of language, thought, sentiment and creation, the writer has introduced post-modern literature. Therefore, this novel is unique.

    PASSWORD by: Dr. Kamal Kumar 403.00
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    We all know that our Mum’s have super powers. They would do anything for their children. Just sometimes, they can lose their temper. For my Mum that’s her super power. Introducing Erupto Mum. No-one ever talks about her but she’s real.

    Erupto Mum by: Katie & Jack 350.00
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    There are people who strike the right chords in our lives and make our hearts sing.’
    Living has been all about hiding away and pretentions for Gideon who has always preferred being
    alone. However when he joins college he comes across people of all sorts and he begins to realise
    that life may be a sum total of little miracles after all. As he matures and begins to open up he
    discovers that he is not far from the healing he has always been in search of.

    Perfect by: Eunice Nirja 399.00
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    This book is based on a true event and the struggles in the life of the author Mahesh Yadav. His mother had a dream and her son does everything to fulfill it. This book is very interesting and worth reading.

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    The Green Revolution was initiated in India under the leadership of ‘Indian Council of Agricultural Research’ under which ‘use of highly productive species, multi-cropping program, use of irrigation resources, excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and production and marketing of new improved seeds, the era of modernization of agriculture began. The use of innovative technology in agriculture (called modernization of agriculture) establishes an interdependent relationship between agriculture and industry.

    As a result, there is a strong dynamic relationship between agriculture and industries. Presently, the dynamics of agricultural and agro-based industries will pave the way for up gradation of rural life. The research study presented contains an analysis based on the impact of technological development in agriculture. Under the technological
    development in the agriculture sector, the objective is to change the traditional
    agricultural economy and agricultural methodologies and also to ensure increase in rural employment. The structure requires reversion. In this way, technical development in agriculture is very relevant and present-day utility in rural development.

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    This is a book of poetry related to nature,
    In which we describe the beauty of nature, the definition of time
    And man's deeds related to time, creatures born in this world – nature of animals, family love with them.
    This book of poetry shows the love, behavior, harmony of human beings connected with nature.

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    Poetic Pigeons’ is a collection of poems written during the time of COVID 19 lockdown when two poetesses hailing from the same town, same profession and similar literary interests got an opportunity to walk down the memory lane, recollect some sad and sweet incidences of life and learn some valuable lessons of life which the global pandemic taught and presented through this bouquet of sweet and sad verses.

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    While living our life to the best of our abilities, we often put our work first in lieu of our feelings, scared that they might get in our way. But what we need to understand is that these feelings are the ones that pave the path we walk on. Every twist and turn and every heartbreak, good or bad, has a lesson, and a decision that possibly changes our life. So, taking a moment to breathe and note it down sometimes makes all the difference. So, this is the second set of scribbles in the same series, somethings that you might connect to.

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    ‘Upvan’ is a collection of poems of different colours, flavours and fragrance by Dr. Lala Ashutosh Kumar Saran. The poems written in simple language on different aspects of human life and subjects of the society ,are exquisite, blissful and gripping.

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    A book on the global phenomenon created by J.K. Rowling is immediately a source of scrutiny and curiosity. The present book which formed the author’s doctoral study, is an attempt at exploring the nuances of the magical world of Hogwarts, in the Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling. It tries to present an exhaustive study of the novels from various perspectives, especially as a way of tracing the growth and maturation of Harry as a bildungsroman hero. The elements of fantasy fiction – its mystery and suspense, the fusion of the magical with the real, the abundant use of anthropomorphic elements not just to enhance the magical plot but also to drive home moral values on a universal scale – are analyzed with the supporting literary theories

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    The Covid 19 Pandemic: A Review of the Social, Economic and Environmental Issues/Challenges’
    presents the COVID-19 pandemic as the most crucial global health calamity of the century and the
    greatest challenge that the humankind faced since the 2nd World War. The book embraces five sections.
    It emphasizes a systematic analysis of the impact of Covid 19 on economic aspect. The book also
    explores an account ofthe influence of Covid 19 pandemic on education and society. It also highlights
    the effects of Covid19 pandemic on environment. Some sustainability issues of Covid 19 pandemic have
    also been discussed in the book. The book is an essential core reference book for the students, academics,
    planners and administrators.

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    This stunning epic type book covers the ancient story of Panis, the first merchants on earth, who were the intellectual masters of cattle rearing, oceanic water, and the exporters of culture and tradition along with goods from one civilization to another in the then known world. Many truths lie buried in the dark depth of the ancient age by numerous strata of forgotten events. Perhaps, Panis, the first traders in ancient times, were opposed to Angirasa, the descendants and disciples of the ancient rishi Angiras. When Panis refused to give cattle and horses to Angirasa for sacrifice in Yajn to maintain nature’s order and avoid imbalance, the enmity between them escalated, and a long-term conflict prevailed. In response to the appropriation of Panis’ cows by Angirasa, some of the greedy Panis had stolen cows from Angiras and kept them in cave fort. This led to a search of cows by Sarama, a messenger of Indra, followed by an epic type war between Panis, supported by the allies – Asuras, Ilbis, Ahis, the Bals, and Angirasa, led by Indra, Devas’ king and supported by his allies –Marutas, Agnis, Bayus, and Manavas. Indra destroyed the Panis and their allies and rescued the cows. Their defeat by Deva’s king compelled many of them to migrate to the land along the sea coast in the west. Many scholars hold the view that the Phoenicians, the ancient tribe of West Asia and South Europe, were the originally Panis of Vedic India. This book tries to dig up the ancient myth. The author’s pure intention is to present prehistory and mythology in form of a fictional story for the benefit of readers.

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    A book ‘Women’s Life’ is All about women’s sacrifices, struggling, strength and intelligent.this book shows the importance of girl’s education and safety. never overcome with gender discrimination. Never underestimate her strength and power, a woman is a kind of beauty with character , intelligence ,strength and struggle.

    She tried to show how women sincerely play’s a variety of significant roles in our society from birth till the end of her life along with many sacrifices, so love them treat them with respect, give the safe place in your heart . I hope that the book will change people’s negative mindset. kindly provide safety , protection and education to their bright future and development of our country.the women’s are not born to stay at home or look after their family they are born to light up our nation’s by their intelligence take out them from the four walls of the house and make aware of their rights.

    Women’s Life by: Asma Attar 150.00
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    The Life and Journey of Ravikumar and his experiences through out this story.

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