Fiction & Fantasy (765)

Showing 451–480 of 765 results

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    The book talks about the love story of 3 students and how the emotion ruined their lives.

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    Princess Kaushiki, is an inspirational fiction novel series for children. The first volume of this series (The divine birth) is about the mysterious birth of a princess in the woods. The story is based in the mesmerizing Coonoor region of South India (Ooty, Tamil Nadu). The king and queen of Coonoor have strong and charismatic personalities that are highly admired by their entire kingdom. This tale takes you through a fascinating and adventurous journey of a mystical pine forest, explored by the royal couple as their leisure trip. The mysteries and the challenges they face in that forest and how they overcome them with their valor, wisdom, and devotion are the key elements that bind the whole plot. It is a wonderful fusion of entertainment, suspense, and morals. The story aims to inspire children to be strong, yet wise; courageous, yet kind and successful, yet generous; instilling in them the values of compassion and care towards all living beings. It encourages them to face hardships with courage, devotion, faith, and self-confidence. Full of interesting dialogues, the first volume ends with a divine twist. The birth of princess of Coonoor among such mystical elements is the heart of this book.

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    This story is an illustration of the Lethiferous revenge of a couple. It delineates how man is deterred by moral scruples. The compunction or remorse of sins or transgression of rules entangles human. The story is absorbed with fantastic glimpses of love, the colloquy between two identical twin sisters Saundarya and Sambhavna representing modern and traditional mentality respectively. It portrays scenes of superstitions and beliefs in society that exist even today. Story targets foeticide as malignant and brings out the feeling of a ‘baby’ in an emotional aspect. It also has chapters which are prone to mesmerize readers. “How lust can add adversity to our life?” The potency of positive attitude and awareness gives a philosophical aspect. The horror scenes are depicted with an admixture of peculiarities. All mystifications reveal themselves gradually maintaining the rhetorical skills. The words applied are argumentative, impressive, lucrative, suggestive, and up to the mark.

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    Blue is not just a color but a feeling. It is a feeling that is wavering throughout the life of Aarush. Also, blue is the color of ‘her’ intoxicating eyes. Aarush is a happy-go-lucky boy who is tagged as a flirt because of his ability to charm girls until he meets Tisha and falls in love with her, head over heels. Life was beautiful until Tisha started drifting away. Aarush’s life starts crumbling in front of him but time never stops neither does life. What happens to Aarush after that? Why he has to meet a psychologist? Who is Kanika? Will she be able to bring back the AARUSH in Aarush or the feeling will still be blue? Feeling Blue! is not the love story of Tisha, it is the love journey of Aarush.

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    सपनों और हकीकत की कश्ती में सवार एक किशोर लड़का अपने जीवन के महासागर को पार करने की चाहत में दर-दर भटकता है। कभी अपने आप को किसी महफूज़ जगह पाता है तो कभी अपने आप को डूबता हुआ महसूस करता है। उसी क्रम में उस लड़के को एक माही नाम की लड़की से एकतरफा प्यार हो जाता है। वह प्यार के महासागर में इस कदर डूब जाता है कि वह खुद को ही भूल जाता है। अंततः वह लड़की भी उससे प्यार करने लगती है और कुछ ही महीनों बाद उससे प्रेम-विवाह कर लेती है।
    इससे पहले कि वह लड़का अपने वैवाहिक जीवन को समझ पाता वह लड़की इस कदर उसपर कहर बरपाती है कि वह लड़का काँच की तरह टूट-टूट कर बिखर जाता है।

    Madhulok by: Alok kumar 176.00
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    आमतौर पर लोगों को लगता है कि महिला-प्रमुख किताब केवल महिलाओं के लिए होती है लेकिन ये वो किताब है जो हर आयु का व्यक्ति, चाहे वो महिला हो या पुरुष कोई भी पढ़ सकता है इसलिए मेरा ये मानना है कि ये किताब हर व्यक्ति को ज़रूर पढ़नी चाहिए खासतौर पर…..पुरूषों को क्योंकि अगर पुरुष समाज कि सोच महिलाओं के हित में बदल गई तो फिर महिलाओं को आगे बढ़ने से कोई नहीं रोक सकता।
    इस किताब में ये बताया गया है कि कैसे एक स्त्री के जीवन का हर एक पड़ाव चक्रव्यूह के पड़ाव की तरह एक जाल होता है जो उसे पूरी तरह तोड़ देता है और उसी तड़प को, उन आँसुओं को अपने कलम की सियाही बनाकर मैंने उसे इस किताब में उतारा है।
    इस किताब की खास बात ये है कि इस किताब से हर महिला अपने-आप को जोड़ पाएगी और समाज अपनी करतूतें देख पाएगा। इसके हर एक पाठ के पीछे उस औरत का जवाब है जिसकी आवाज़ हमारे कानों में नहीं जाती। आम भाषा में कहा जाए तो ये किताब एक औरत की ज़ुबानी है।
    इसलिए मैं ये आग्रह करती हूँ कि एक बार ही सही इस किताब को ज़रूर पढ़ें और पूरा पढ़ें क्योंकि कई बार कुछ चीज़ें हमें ऐसा ज्ञान दे जाती हैं जो हमारी सोच और जीवन को ही बदल देती हैं।

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    For some people, love is to set it free to get it back. For some, love is breathing and cannot let it go off.
    When two people with different thoughts about love meet, the sparkles arise. But, how long does this
    sparkle stay in one’s life?
    Vikram cannot let go off his love, while Swetha sets it free and leaves the destiny to take over. This book
    shows how the love sparkled for Vikram and Shwetha even beyond the sparkles and how they travelled
    through their journey of love.

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    अपनी बेस्ट फ्रेंड सिमरन निसार का अचानक हुआ कत्ल डिंपल मल्होत्रा के लिए एक गहरा सदमा साबित हुआ और उसकी गैर-मौजूदगी में वो खुद को बिल्कुल अलग-थलग और तन्हा महसूस करने लगी। इससे पहले कि वो बिखर जाती, रुक्सार के रूप में उसे एक अच्छी सहेली और राहुल के रूप एक सच्चा हमदर्द मिला, जो सिमरन के कत्ल की तफ्तीश कर रहा था। केस की जटिलता और उसमें डूबे राहुल की बेबसी डिंपल से देखी नहीं गयी और उसने गुप्त रूप से, एक पहली में तब्दील हुए उस केस को सुलझाना शुरू कर दिया। उसने सोचा ही नहीं था कि उसकी तलाश एक खून से भरी फनल तक जाकर खत्म होगी, जो संगमरमर की एक अद्भुत कृति के अन्दर बनी हुई थी। जिन्दा, जमीन में दफन कर दी गयी एक बदनसीब लड़की की कब्र पर बनी वो संगमरमर की कृति अपने आप में कई रहस्य समेटे हुए थी। ऐसी अफवाहें थी कि प्यास से तड़पते हुए बेजान हुई उस मासूम लड़की की आत्मा, विसरासर नाम के उस गाँव में भटकती हुई नजर आती थी जो हर उस इंसान का कत्ल कर देती जो भी उस फनल के करीब बने कुंए का पानी पीने की गुस्ताखी करता! पर क्या सच में उस आत्मा ने सिमरन का कत्ल किया था, या फिर उससे भी कहीं ज्यादा बेरहम जिन्दगी उसे निगल गयी थी??

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    जिंदगी कभी किसी का इंतजार नही करती, यदि दिल में कोई बात छुपी है तो उसे बाहर ला देने में ही भलाई है। इस उपन्यास का मुख्य मकसद प्यार के मायने को समझना है। इसे पूर्ण रूप से अपने आस-पास के वातावरण से अनुभव लेकर लिखा गया है। प्यार का सही मतलब समझाने की एक छोटी सी कोशिश है यह उपन्यास।

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    Black Genesis is a novella that revolves around two individual’s conversation about the secret organization Fotia an Enlightenment-era secret society founded to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power. “The order of the day,” they wrote in their general statutes, which is to put an end to the machinations of the purveyors of injustice, to control them without dominating them. The story opens the eyes of the readers about current systems which are under their ascendancy and how they have been manipulating humankind. Their true identity is revealed in this story with the use of magical realism.

    Black Genesis by: Francis P.M 85.00
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    “Beyond the physical realm, there are spirits waiting for the mist to rise, leaves to fall and sun to set.”When the autumn leaves start to fall and the night is silent, there are whispering in the woods. There is a world running parallel to our realm, where time has no role to play. The darkness rules over the light. The world of those who had once lived among us before crossing the veil. The stories in the book are the untold tales of those who belong to the other side of the Life. It is a Wiccan’s grimoire. The book of shadows of a Witch.

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    This fictional story was written based on midnight’s dream. The story is based on the thoughts of the people that believe that seven people will be born in the world with the same faces. The book explores the relationship between will power and the seven same faces theory.

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    Edward and Jennifer join fashion designing course in New York. They love to each other but suddenly Edward gets news that Jennifer has got cancer and she does not want to live with him. She makes a decision to leave him and emigrate from New York to Washington DC with her family. After five years, she comes back as a C.E.O of a MNC and Edward bumps into her in a presentation hall. And after few days, he proposes her for marriage. “What will I have to do to marry you?” Edward asked. “It’s not easy but if you want to marry me then you are required to achieve something like me. We both must be at the same position. Otherwise, the employees of my company will laugh at me. You can understand what I am saying,” Jennifer said.

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    This novel is based on the struggle of a well-known heart and strong person, a police officer who always won the hearts of all with his goodness since childhood. While being strong, he never tried to touch any criminal, but he tried to understand their pain as he was very empathetic.Killing someone is not a murder; the real killer isthe persecutor of the person who wants to commit suicide. A girl named Khushboo was his love. The four friends of Vayuinchildhood,had Sarika who used to love him since the start, but someone else loved her. Because of a misunderstanding, they became enemy of Vayu and due to them the parents of Vayu and Khushboo were killed. Killing someone is not a murder; the real killer isthe persecutor of the person who wants to commit suicide.

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    ऊषा शर्मा आर्मी स्कूल में हिन्दी की अध्यापिका है। इनकी रचनाएँ विभिन्न पत्र पत्रिकाओं में प्रकाशित होती रहती है। इनका एक उपन्यास व कहानी संग्रह पाठको द्वारा सराहा गया है यह ऊषा शर्मा की तीसरी पुस्तक पाठकों की अदलता में है। इनके आकाशवाणी से काव्य-पाठ व कहानियाँ प्रसारित होती रहती है। इन्होनें सी.बी.एस. ई वोर्ड के लिए संस्कृत की पास बुक भी लिखी है। यह विभिन्न संस्थाओ के सहयोग से सामाजिक कार्य भी करती है साथ ही इन्हें अनेक संस्थाओं द्वारा पुरस्कृत किया जा चुका है।

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    “ Truth and Love “ Truth is truth and ever triumphant , False is false can’t be dominant . Love is pure as the flame of fire , Leads the life to the regions higher . Truth is radiance of the blazing sun , Love is brightness of the shining moon . Truth and Love the virtues divine , Without these life cann’t be sublime . Truth and Love are both but one , Reverse and obverse of the same coin . ***** #KKTRIPATHI*****

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    चित्रलेखा (चित्रा) हमेशा दूसरों के दुःख–दर्द व हक़ के लिए लड़ने वाली बुलंद ख्यालात, निर्भीक, विवेकशील गाँव की भोली –भाली लड़की है | जान छिडकने वाले पति और बच्चों से भरे-पूरे परिवार के बावजूद भी उसे गौरीव नाम के लड़के से प्रेम हो जाता है | संसार और समाज में तुच्छ और घृणित समझे जाने वाले इस आत्मीय और पुनीत प्रेम को चित्रा ने कैसे अपने कर्म और विचारों के द्वारा ओजे फ़लक पर बिठाकर मुक़द्दस बना दिया? इसके साथ ही तमाम तुह्मतों और दुश्वारियों के बावजूद भी उसने कैसे अपने प्रेम की एक मुक़द्दस इबादत लिखी? जानने के लिए पढ़े ‘चित्रलेखा’ एक मुक़द्दस प्रेम कहानी |
    “प्रेम ईश्वर प्राप्ति का मार्ग प्रशस्त करता है”|
    अमर ‘अरमान’

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    This story is all about a girl matchmaker Jaslina, who is also known as the social cupid. In the past few days, she suffers a lot because of her ex, as he left her all alone when she wanted to start a business of her own. Her best friend and her assistant were the only ones who supported her during these days and made her feel safe and secure about her future. But suddenly after two years her past comes in front of her. What will happen? Will the story take a twisted turn?

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    This story of love, bravery, and sacrifice is based on India-Pakistan partition of 1947. An Indian army man Veer Pratap Singh helps Saniya Khan, who was left at the Amritsar railway station during her escape to Lahore from India, to go to Pakistan. Please read the book to know the full story.

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    “Dream a lot…there is no Service Tax in it.” This book is a self-descriptive fictional account of a boy named Vivaan, who has a storehouse of thoughts and dreams to put forward and his journey in realizing his true aim and his hidden potential. Growing in the urban cities amidst the honks and buzzing of vehicles he ponders upon his capabilities. This is an account of his journey of becoming a writer and his inspiration with an aromatic blend of humour, all packed with a message of true meaning of life. From the point of view of a young teenager, the narrative realizes his potential while finding his passion.

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    “It must have been the dusk of twilight when an intense misfortune was ahead to slap me. I was geared up for Vishwaas’s birthday, when Maa called me and that call left me dumbstruck. Vishwaas had died, 7 minutes before his birthday. Similar Situation arose when a fragment of my heart had left this world. I had barely recovered through depression. After all such tribulations, my faith up on God was shattered completely.
    Suddenly life showed me how elegant it can be, and my faith revived in the most unprecedented way one can ever imagine…”

    The Diary Unperceived elaborates the simplest, but the most significant perks of life like love, destiny, future, pain and most importantly death. It is the discovery of your own self.

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    This story is inspired by the true events in the life of the protagonist, Anup Dave. This is his journey from a place devoid of any cricket facility to winning the ICC Under 19 Cricket World Cup 1999-2000. Anup Dave as a young cricketer has to overcome several challenges in order to realize his dream. The most interesting feature of this novel is that any young cricketer in India can immediately relate to it. The reader can directly place himself in the shoes of Anup Dave and enjoy the journey. His novel can also help the budding cricketers in selecting the path and making decisions on the crossroads of their lives. This novel carries the reader through all the good and bad decisions of Anup’s life. The correct ones helped him to become the leading wicket-taker at the ICC Under 19 Cricket World Cup while the wrong ones hindered him from his dream of playing for senior Indian National Team. Why once an achiever failed to accomplish his ultimate dream? Why once a boy who had all the potential couldn’t be a hero? Let’s find out…

    Could Be A Hero by: Naman Dave 165.00
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    Naina was happy in her fairly normal life except for the strange nightmares which kept waking her up in the midnight. She had no idea that her dreams were not actual dreams but thoughts of another being until a stranger broke into her room. Will she be able to save Rain and the others in this moment of crisis? Or will she switch sides?

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    Random Portraits is a collection of everyday stories about ordinary people. It tries to present its characters’ lighter and graver moments, and their cheerful and poignant situations, faithfully. It blends real life with both truth and fiction as it explores human behaviour and attitudes. So, is Portraits a psychological lab that dissects and studies human nature? Not at all. It is no more than a mirror that reveals some of what is good and what is bad in all of us. It is no less than a friend who sits down with us and engages us in an engrossing conversation about people a little like us. Random Portraits has only one purpose: to provide some light entertainment. The illustration on the cover has been created by the author’s wife, Nisha P. Nair.

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    Every one has a story.’ Yeah we know you probably heard that before, but do you know, “Every story has a color?” Yes, you heard us right. Every story has it’s own taste & its own color. Some stories are trapped between black & white, some stories are bright gold, some stories are just old yellow. The Whispering Solitude is created to celebrate the blue stories of the imaginations running wild. Yes, all the stories may be in the book, but surely out of the box.

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    Nefarious Debacle, the title of the book means the defeat of evil. This book is majorly based on fantasy. It also has elements of friendship and love.

    A girl child is born, unlike the rest. Her right hand isn’t human, it’s monstrous. Doctors don’t know the reason for it. Everyone pretended to love her due to fear. Fear of her monster hand. What will happen when she learns the truth? When she gets to know her destiny, which path will she choose? Will she upraise her evil or downfall the evil or is she the evil herself? Or what if before she gets to know about her destiny, the evil takes the upper hand and destroys the human race?

    What will happen to the entire human race? Will it be saved on time or is it the end?

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    Teenage life is full of new changes whether be hormonal or physical. In these dramatic days,
    teens often give up. A teenager of this generation has to face many challenges—family, friends,
    studies, worrying about his secure future and much more. This phase is sudden tour from childishness
    to act mature. This is a relatable collection of 15 poems which will take you go through a voyage of
    a teen’s life.
    “You are not here by mistake. You are reading this for a reason. Make something out of it.”

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    After so many struggles in his childhood, Aakash came out of that and decided to live his college life peacefully with his friends Ramya, Dhinesh, Pranav, and Yamuna. He made them as his family and his hostel became his home. But in a very few months, his life took a drastic turn. Set back in Andhra Pradesh, Aakash starts having various physic dreams about a dark room and a few days later, his closest friend Ramya killed herself in the college campus. The police questioned him as a threat since they had some problems with each other at the end of her days. In the middle of these events, he came to know that he already predicted Ramya’s death and was so late to understand that. Everything after that he dreamt started to happen in his real life. The rest of the story revolves around how he found a way to cure his dreams, how he clears all the charges placed against him, how his relationship with Ramya had been, and how he ended up being admitted in the hospital as a homosexually raped victim within a week. This story also tells a journey of a sexually abused child and their emotional fears and problems they face in the society.

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    This book based on Sadhvi’s life whose name in the book is Ajra Sheikh, a Muslim girl.

    She falls in love with a Hindu boy and gets married to him. After marriage, they have no choice except suicide. They try to commit suicide and jump into the Ganga River. Unfortunately, Ajra survived and reached aashram (Hermitage) where she changed her name to Chitralekha and starting living with the saints. The monastery was filled with blind faith, traitors, and rapists.

    Ajra Sheikh decides to fight against Baba Khouda Dev who was a powerful monk.

    Read to know what happens next!

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