Health (15)

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    Rated 5.00 out of 5
    GOOD LIFE WITH MATSOGI DO by: Vikrant Tiger 350.00
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    “A beginner’s guide for the following yoga and making it a part of their daily life for management of a diseased condition. Diseases including; Diabetes, Hypertension, Thyroid, Hypotension, Heart problem, and Asthma are the main focus of the book.
    Easy to understand language, with crisp and clear instructions. 50+ Pictures for representation of each yogic practice for all mentioned diseased conditions.
    Asanas for the physical well-being and to make the body stable.
    Pranayama’s for improving the breathing and calming the mind.
    Asanas and Pranayamas to reduce stress from the mind, as in yoga it is believed that the Mind is a center to all the diseased conditions.”

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    “I do believe a 360-degree integral approach for disease prevention is
    necessary for high performance & happiness in life. The approach is equally important for physical and mental health that helps people to fit his natural evolution with his modern-day life. There are personal & professional factors for your overall health. Our choice of food, our scope & requirement of exercise, our scope of sleep, and our requirements of stress management are determined by both our personal & professional factors. Personal factors are your – daily routine, taste preferences for food, habits, beliefs, and focus. Professional factors are – work schedule, type of job, place & movement for the job. The inclusive & integrative approach to transforming lives will save humanity from diseases, disabilities & death in millions. In this integral approach lies the four pillars of health that should be actualized for the purpose of FOOD, EXERCISE, SLEEP & STRESS MANAGEMENT. A common-size overall guidance for all towards healthy living has been provided. It has the inherent flaws that it is not customized to someone’s personal & professional factors. That’s where you will need professional help. But I believe many of you will be benefitted from just following simple healthy living advice. That’s where the book comes in.
    You can read more related topics on my website – “

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    This book is based on mental health. -In this book mental health is explained along with
    why it is so important. -Book also explain different ways to improve mental health -In this book how successful people deals with depression and anxiety also explains. -Book also explains fear and ways to overcome it. -Must read book for all.

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    This book was written with 20 years of experience in the fields of herbal research, pharmaceuticals and other health-related fields. Most interesting and valuable concepts like natural foods (chemical-free), natural treatment systems, how to win over tension naturally, yoga, meditation, changing behaviour, natural solutions for sex problems, herbal and home remedies, environmental protection, etc. are discussed. This book expounds natural and easy ways to make yourself complete healthy. You need to follow the natural methods and systems of the above-mentioned health-related areas to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Please keep in mind that this book is an INSTRUCTION MANUAL to gain complete health. To put it in a nutshell, “This is a no-cost or low-cost natural self-treatment system.”

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    ‘‘सचित्र योग संस्कृति‘‘ डॉ० कुलदीप सुमनाक्षर द्वारा लिखी गयी पुस्तक है। यह श्रेण्य पुस्तक योग के लिए एक विलक्षण प्रस्तावना पुस्तक है, जिसमें योग के 108 आसनों तथा योग को विस्तार पूर्वक समझाया गया है। आसनों का विस्तृत वर्णन दो सौ बीस चित्रों के माध्यम से प्रस्तुत किया गया है। इस पुस्तक के प्रमुख आकर्षण हैं-
    ऽ योग व योगाभ्यास का सम्पूर्ण परिचय
    ऽ दो सौ बीस चित्रों के माध्यम से 107 आसनों का विस्तृत वर्णन
    ऽ पुस्तक में दिए गये सभी आसनों को लेखक द्वारा स्वयं किया गया।
    ऽ अभिनव साधक के लिए एक वर्षीय योगाभ्यास कार्यक्रम है।

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    Physiotherapy has become an inseparable branch of medical science in relation to human life in the modern age.
    This book deals with the important congenital and developmental disorders and their physiotherapy management.

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