Self Help (270)

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    Management by Trust – Path of Success is based on actual achievements and real life experiences of a Manager who will only be referred to as Manager M, to keep his identity and places of work confidential. During his expansive career in upper management, he was instrumental in turning around many companies from a brink of bankruptcy or shut down. He had personified many attributes of a successful manager, such as hard work, discipline, dedication, ’out of the box’ thinking, entrepreneurship, time management and led by example. He, however, believes that the foundation of his success was in motivating the employees under him and having complete trust in them. This book will follow his career with each chapter discussing the different challenges he encountered, lessons he picked up on, highlighting the practices that helped him come out successfully.

    This book is a humble attempt at sharing the pearls about Management that Manager M learned and practiced, in his expansive career, leading him to be known as the ‘Turn Around Manager’ in the industry. It is written, filled with anecdotes, lest the book becomes another dry instructional book on management. Hopefully, the book will inspire and nurture young managers in the journey of their chosen profession.

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    “When it is time to claim insurance, most people find they have to cringe before the insurer who on most occasions adopts delaying tactics and looks for other ways and means to reject a claim rather than settle it. If the claimant gets an insurance settlement, it would be after a lot of hemming and hawing on the part of the more powerful insurance company. Protection of the interests of policyholders is one of the topmost priorities of the IRDAI. It issues regular advisories to educate consumers about their rights and to protect them against fraudulent practices.

    This book serves as a guide to pursue claims for appropriate settlement. It also highlights the grievance redressal mechanism for the insurance industry. In short, this book offers solutions to various complex claim proceedings and related technical problems. It offers a holistic, long-term approach to the perception of claims management.”

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    The commitment which is more of a habit of a person is beautifully scripted by Mr. Devgon in his book. History had been a witness that, only this habit of commitment has helped any individual to accomplish all his dreams.

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    We see the physical challenges of autistic people and children, but never see ourselves or the people around us-who are emotionally autistic, but are afraid to admit it. Being emotionally autistic means – the problems we carry in our head, the pain, anger, hatred for ourselves and others. Some of us have perverted minds that is so prominent in our society, dangers we don’t know about that are moving along with us- unknown, unseen, unheard, unaware. We all are emotionally autistic – carrying around the burden of day-to-day pain, sorrow, anger, and loathing.

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    This book is for the aspirants of the top competitive exam. It directly and fully covers the English Grammar. An effort has been made relevant to make contents of the book relevant, authentic and up_to_date. It will help in your preparation. I welcome all constructive comments and suggestions from the readers of this book.

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    Saman speaks about fundamental things which are a part of every human life – love, sorrow, food, joy, work, crime, freedom, self-knowledge, teaching, friendship, good and evil, prayer, pleasure, beauty, religion and death. The book offers no short cuts or any formula to happiness or successful living essentially, but bids you to look closely into your own heart and divine minds.

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    आप जब भी प्रकृति से एक हुए हैं यकीकन वह मौन का ही क्षण था, यह बात अलग है कि आपने गौर किया या नहीं। मौन की असीमितता का अनुभव आप इस किताब से करें, ऐसी मेरी आपसे कामना है।

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    One of the greatest contributions of India to the world is Bhagavad Gita. It is the perfect theistic science because it is directly spoken by Lord Krishna. The message of Bhagavad Gita is not only limited to spiritual development but also in other aspects of human capital development including leadership.
    Using contextual analysis, this book explores the leadership implication found in this classic text and offers present-day managers useful advice regarding overall institutional improvement. This book is intended to analyze the leadership qualities helpful in institutional improvement from the perspective of management.

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    There is a billion dollar question as to why one should buy the life insurance product. This is neither mandatory nor a good investment. Life insurance is one of those things that just about everyone needs, but far too few people actually have.

    Insurance continues to be a difficult proposition for a layman to comprehend, in terms of assessing individual needs and products. Life is unpredictable and full of surprises. One cannot be sure of the future. Financial protection by way of life insurance is the prime need of life.

    This book provides an insight into the very need of Life Insurance and its different dimensions visualized in perspective of individual family. This book is an excellent food for your thoughts and vision of financial security. It offers a holistic long-term approach and solutions to various complex problems relating to life insurance and claims.

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    ‘Ignorance leads to death, and
    Knowledge to after-death’. (The Isa Upanishad)
    Divine is the sense of spiritual and ethereal and divinity means ‘the study of the
    nature of God and religious belief’. Forster used the theory of ‘Only Connect’ and
    of course this connection is the Divine Power that holds the entire world.

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    इस किताब में जितने भी नाम लिये गये हैं प्रमुखतया उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र से लिये गये हैं जिसमें संयम जीवन के बारे में व्याख्या की गई है। संयम अर्थात मन में लक्ष्य रखते हुए विरीत परिस्थितियों (अर्थात् दुख) में भी मन में सम्भाव रखते हुए या सहन शक्ति रखते हुए अपने लक्ष्य की ओर बढ़ना। जहाँ तक संभव हो दुख से दुखी न होना अर्थात् जो भी मिले उससे प्राणी मात्र को सुख पहुँचाने की कोशिश करना। इच्छाओं की पूर्ति न होने वाली परिस्थितियों में अगर आपने जीना सीख लिया तो दुख में जीना सीख लिया और जब दुख में जीना सीख लिया तो दुख रहा ही कहाँ? दुख खत्म और सुख शुरु।
    (इसके आगे की जानकारी अगली किताब में दी जायेगी, अगर लिख पाई तो………)
    अगर जीवन में कभी भी ऐसा हो कि तुम्हें मंजिल का पता मालूम ना हो तो तुम्हारे दिल और दिमाग को जो भी औज़ार मिल जाए, सोचना मत, उठाना और लग जाना काम पर……. मंजिल खुद इंतजार करेगी।

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    “Powers rested in you don’t emit laser rays or spider webs, make you run 10 times faster or fight 50 people at once, richer overnight, make people stand by you and chant your name, win wars, travel to a different timeline, be a world renowned scientist, a stuntman of no match to the rest, a creator with the most unique style so far listed, a screenplay write popular than the finest listed in IMDB and awes Disney, Stand by a dying person and try breathe hope into them till the last second we acknowledge they live up to, fly out and help people in need, move mountains, fight villains with unlimited magnum, be called a dare, be noted as one of the kind and all the more. As much as the above mentioned don’t, they do.” – From the title essay “By the powers rested in you”.

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    समय की शुरुआत से ही हर इंसान खुशी और आनंद प्राप्त करने की जद्दोजहद में लगा हुआ है। गरीब हो या अमीर, छोटा हो या बड़ा, पुरुष हो या महिला सब अपने-अपने सुख के लिए संसार में कार्यरत हैं। लेकिन जीवन की आपाधापी के बीच इंसान खुद से यह पूछना ही भूल गया कि जिस खुशी की तलाश में वह दौड़ रहा है, वह खुशी कहाँ और कैसे मिलेगी। हम देखते हैं कि सबको अलग-अलग चीजों में सुख मिलता है। जो खुशी एक छोटे बच्चे को खिलौने से मिलती है, वही खुशी एक शराबी को शराब से मिलती है। तो खुशी, सुख या आनंद की असली परिभाषा क्या है? और हमारी परिभाषा क्या है, हम कौन हैं? भगवान कौन है? संसार क्या है? यह किताब उपनिषद, पुराण और भगवद्गीता के माध्यम से जीवन की ऐसी ही उलझनों के समाधान ढूंढने का एक प्रयास है।

    Anand ki ore by: Deepak Sharma 205.00
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    This book is a humble attempt to give a peaceful world and blissful life to human beings. The author has compiled this after understanding both scientific reasoning as well as the spiritual concept. What we so call religion is not a philosophy but is full of science. By understanding this science, you can make your life blissful and let others also happy.

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    Timeless Pebbles is a collection of my thoughts and feelings evolved over years of my experiencing life, situations, and people. This book attempts to reflect our ceaseless quest to search for meaning of life. Timeless Pebbles elucidates the life cycle of our civilization. It truly depicts the current involvement of human with respect to the both; existence and the wisdom. It is not merely a collection of words but the truthfulness of life. It is a collection of moments, woven beautifully with the words. Each shining pebble in this book is in form of a quotation and a product of emergence above all ruthless frictions of the situations, struggles, inner clutter, and self-doubt.
    This book is precious because it will make you realize about the meaning, purpose, and worth of life. It will take you nearer to your own self where you see the self from a different perspective.

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    Happy Hours, cheers to life is a relationship guide which offers easy techniques which are simple to use yet can bring a sea difference to our relationships. When we talk of relationships, we are including here, our relationship with our spouse, in-laws, kids, our colleagues at work, our subordinates and seniors and definitely relationship with our own selves. All of us strive to live a happy life and bring satisfaction to our people and to ourselves but something stops us leaving us wondering as to what goes wrong that doesn’t allow us to be happy as we want. What breeds that sense of gap between our being and where we want to reach. Offering you some self-help relationship techniques on the platter doesn’t guarantee a solution to all the problems in our lives but it certainly assures a flavor of the realization how small changes in our approach towards life can facilitate huge transformations. They say, ‘happiness is a state of mind’, let us create that state of mind. So read on and explore into innovative and creative ideas as to how we can make a living out of our lives.

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    The name of Mahatma Gandhi echoes in the hearts of people globally and shall carry on as long as the earth rotates and revolves. This concise book can be covered in three hours connecting the person with Gandhi. A person undertaking any examination at any level in relation to Gandhi, this is the book he must go through. He will be in a position to respond to most of the questions, both in theory and viva, confidently during the assessment. This book will be of immense value to all Gandhians, educational institutions, libraries, and study circle centers to know Gandhi not only as a Mahatma but as a syndrome of ideas, views, vision and values.

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    Anmol Moti Sangreh by: V.P Kad 100.00
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    This book Mission Period, A 21st Century Girl’s Words is not only a book to spread awareness about periods, but also help all girls who usually face several society talks. This must be read by every girl and try to find out a proper way to live during her periods. Read it to become independent and to gain the quality of self-help.

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    The ‘Self’ is a unique form of energy. The universal energy deeply influences the ‘Self’. The thoughts and desires created by the ‘Self’ can interact with universal energy to create new realities in life. In the piece ‘The ‘Self’ and the Universe’ efforts have been made to present the scientific relationship between the ‘Self’ and the universal energy. This work also appeals to bring a new realm of thoughts in society by creating scientific consciousness about the ‘Self’. In the present world, the ‘Self’ of people is governed by materialistic desires. In this piece, fourteen stories have been woven in the form of a conversation to present the dynamic relation between the ‘Self’, society, nature and universe, which give an idea about the unique power hidden in the ‘Self’.

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    No matter what situation you are facing today, God has not abandoned or forgotten you. He created you and you are special in his eyes.

    “Whatever God does, he does for our good.”

    So, don’t feel sad, wake up, take your wings of imagination and fly high to reach the stars. These words of my Angel inspired me to give colours to my imagination to paint the picture of life.

    ‘INSPIRATIONS’- a poetry book written by an 11-year-old girl, candidly focuses on the powerful themes of love, goodness, and faith.

    The depth of her poems would definitely inspire the readers to love and accept their lives with gratitude.

    Inspirations by: Harnoor 75.00
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    There are both, Good people and the bad people in the world, By their own choices. If I have to divide the people in the world, There are only two types of people in the whole world, Good people and bad people, Irrespective of, Cast, creed, colour or class. They used to exist earlier also, They will be there in future also. If there were angles, there were demons also. If there were saints, there were crooks also. If there were creators, there were destroyers also. Thousands of years have passed, Not only the world has survived, But it has shown tremendous progress, From ‘Caveman’ era, To, The present ‘Civilized’ era, Inspite of the presence of, The demons, the crooks and the destroyers. Because, The good has ultimately won over the evils. Choose to be good. It will always pay you with the progress.

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    “Happiness, stress, ecstasy or depression, it’s all a mind game. As long as our mind is under our control, everything else is. That’s what The Mind Game is all about. It is not an average self-help book that preaches life-enhancing methodologies based on complex science or long philosophical verses. The book’s genius lies in its simplicity. It offers quick, actionable and instantly applicable tips that will help readers lead better lives, instantly.”

    The Mind Game by: Devika Das 205.00
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    Dr. Kalam has said, “Dreams are not what you see in sleep, a dream is something which doesn’t let you sleep.” “Yeh Sapne Hi Apne” shows many colours and aspects of life. Poems like humor, satire, sarcasm, and selection of words are favorable to the expressions and the lines corresponding to it are composed. Every poem boasts some colors of life. The bitterness of life and many realities have been attempted here in this book. Hope this book will appeal to you.

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    Most people think success comes from good luck than hard work, but all successful people have succeeded in an easier way than this, and that is the way: through improving habits. You are the most important member of your family. Your advancement and success is the basis of your family’s happiness. Yet people often choose the easiest way in every situation. They search the shortcuts for everything. They do not worry about the long-term consequences of their behavior or work. As a result, they do not have the habit of working hard, which is a mandatory condition for achieving true success. You can’t change your future but you can change your habits and believe that your habits will change your future – Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam The definition of success for different people is also different. Two-time meal for beggars, more grades for the student, money for the poor and health benefits for the unhealthy person is the success. This book is an excellent guide for the person who wants to move forward and become successful in every area of life. As the title of this book makes the concept clear, it is a life-long guide for you.

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    The best use of life is to live it. And when you live every moment, you either get something that becomes your motivation or you get something that becomes a lesson. This book “ Sometimes It’s A lesson, Sometimes Motivation” reflects a life lived with full of lessons and motivation. Remember! It is only a matter of attention when something appears as your motivation turns out a lesson and something appears as a lesson turns out a really big motivation. This book consists of 2000 amazing quotes and teachings of life that you won’t find anywhere else as it has a national record, mentioned in India Book Of Records, 2017 consisting maximum self-made quotations written by an author in history.

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    “Kaleidoscope“ is a photo book featuring photographs that reveal those transient moments depicting those splendid variety of visual treats, rich vivid colours, unending frames. Capturing people, their moods, emotions, aspirations, livelihood etc and the nature and all its beauty through the eyes of camera.

    Kaleidoscope by: 800.00
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    This book explores Vastu Shastra, which is based on science and uses structural conditions; and Feng Shui is based on geographical conditions.
    Both use compass directions to know about the energy in different sectors of the place. There is no complete correlation between Vastu and Feng Shui. But the objective of both is same although the process to achieve it is different.
    In this book, both Vastu and Feng Shui have the same objective: that is creating atmosphere and situation on the premises that bring good health, wealth, happiness and well-being.

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    Makaan banwate samay dhyan rakhne wali 125 bohot zaruri baatein.

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    The purpose and goal of writing this novel, “An Internal Individual Change” is to develop and achieve the discipline in terms of law and order. Some incidents and context which are happening in the novel might be a coincidence with the actual incident. Although no individual or institution has been directly blamed, yet if it still touches your heart then it will be a worth to proceed further, but if it doesn’t then there will be a full stop… I pay my best regards to the conscience ‘swah’ which exists within every human being. Let us proceed in search of our own consciousness. Dr. Sanjay K.

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