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    The Green Revolution was initiated in India under the leadership of ‘Indian Council of Agricultural Research’ under which ‘use of highly productive species, multi-cropping program, use of irrigation resources, excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and production and marketing of new improved seeds, the era of modernization of agriculture began. The use of innovative technology in agriculture (called modernization of agriculture) establishes an interdependent relationship between agriculture and industry.

    As a result, there is a strong dynamic relationship between agriculture and industries. Presently, the dynamics of agricultural and agro-based industries will pave the way for up gradation of rural life. The research study presented contains an analysis based on the impact of technological development in agriculture. Under the technological
    development in the agriculture sector, the objective is to change the traditional
    agricultural economy and agricultural methodologies and also to ensure increase in rural employment. The structure requires reversion. In this way, technical development in agriculture is very relevant and present-day utility in rural development.

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