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Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh kumar is a simple boy/man born and brought up in a middle class family where people
recommend higher education to get a government job. But since childhood, he lived to do what he
feels to do well. However family always wants to see him as an officer in a government sector. He
was good in study but not good enough to get into an IAS/IPS competition preparation. So he chose
and landed up at a normal computer degree college. He started writing during his degree education
and got the first appreciation by one of a school principle for a play wrote for school. After getting
his degree (MCA) he relocates to capital of the country and started job in Software profession, but
he continued with writing things. Travelled many cities and states in north India and still continued
with job in same profession. Apart from this book, he has posted many short stories in social media
which liked by people and followers of that platform.

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